reviewer note 經驗分享與討論
發表於 : 2024-09-07, 01:31
另開一篇來討論reviewer note好了
我目前掌握到的重點,是要在reviewer note中提供這些資訊:"寶盒型式與大小"的描述、"寶盒安裝在哪裡"與"如何安裝",
例: "塑膠小試管",用"磁鐵" "吸在" "路燈上"
例: "馬口鐵口盒 5*3*3cm",用"繩子","掛在" "交通標誌後"
如果reviewer note中沒有這些內容,很常會被退回,有些時候我會偷懶的提供一張照片指出寶盒位置,但這非必要。
以下分享一些我寫過的reviewer note,供大家參考看看,也歡迎寶友分享一下跟reviewer來往的狀況。
一次過:tin box at traffic sign, magnetic
第一次提交被拒絕的內容:Magnet box stick on traffic lights post
reviewer回應:Please be specific about what the container is and the size. Just saying a "magnetic box" is incomplete.
修正後:10x5 cm small iron box with magnetic, stick on traffic lights post at knee height.
一次過 : 7cm*4cm*4cm small gray box, attach on the back of traffic sign, magnetic
一次過 : 5*7cm tim box with magnetic stick on bus shelter near the manhole
第一次提交被拒絕的內容: : stick on the back of traffic sign
reviewer回應 : Please be specific about what the container is and the size. Just saying a "plastic box" is incomplete. Is it a tupperware container, a film canister, or a camoed pill bottle?
修正後 : It's a 2.76 x 3.54 x 1.97 inches waterproof box, stick on the back of a traffic sign in public area.
第一次提交被拒絕的內容 : small tin box with magnet, in abandoned equipment box (沒有照片)
reviewer回應 : 很長一串,但大意就是提供照片看看廢棄設備狀況
修正後 : 提供設備狀態照片後通過
*迪化污水處理廠附設休閒運動公園 (已歸檔)
第一次提交被拒絕的內容 : a capsule hanging on the tree, don't need to climb
reviewer回應 : 很長一串,但大意就是請說明怎麼放在樹上,且以不傷害樹木為原則
修正後通過 : the capsule is hang on the rope of support kits, not on the tree itself.
However, as a reminder, please keep your cache away from the school nearby.
However, since the image of the manhole has already provided in the cache description, it seems that geocachers could collect needed clues and calculate the final coordinates without visiting the posted coordinates, which makes this cache more likely to be a mystery cache. Please change your cache type from multi-cache to mystery cache.
型態問題,因為提供在寶頁上的內容可以直接知道答案,被建議設為 Multi,修改後通過。
Cache coordinates seems to be a bit off. Please re-check your coordinates.
reviewer覺得座標跑掉,這題我忘了我設定的差多遠了,總之用google map重新調整一下就OK
Please remove the website link as it considered to be commercial reference. I've been told recently that links of agencies cannot contain in the cache page either, even it's a government site.
我目前掌握到的重點,是要在reviewer note中提供這些資訊:"寶盒型式與大小"的描述、"寶盒安裝在哪裡"與"如何安裝",
例: "塑膠小試管",用"磁鐵" "吸在" "路燈上"
例: "馬口鐵口盒 5*3*3cm",用"繩子","掛在" "交通標誌後"
如果reviewer note中沒有這些內容,很常會被退回,有些時候我會偷懶的提供一張照片指出寶盒位置,但這非必要。
以下分享一些我寫過的reviewer note,供大家參考看看,也歡迎寶友分享一下跟reviewer來往的狀況。
一次過:tin box at traffic sign, magnetic
第一次提交被拒絕的內容:Magnet box stick on traffic lights post
reviewer回應:Please be specific about what the container is and the size. Just saying a "magnetic box" is incomplete.
修正後:10x5 cm small iron box with magnetic, stick on traffic lights post at knee height.
一次過 : 7cm*4cm*4cm small gray box, attach on the back of traffic sign, magnetic
一次過 : 5*7cm tim box with magnetic stick on bus shelter near the manhole
第一次提交被拒絕的內容: : stick on the back of traffic sign
reviewer回應 : Please be specific about what the container is and the size. Just saying a "plastic box" is incomplete. Is it a tupperware container, a film canister, or a camoed pill bottle?
修正後 : It's a 2.76 x 3.54 x 1.97 inches waterproof box, stick on the back of a traffic sign in public area.
第一次提交被拒絕的內容 : small tin box with magnet, in abandoned equipment box (沒有照片)
reviewer回應 : 很長一串,但大意就是提供照片看看廢棄設備狀況
修正後 : 提供設備狀態照片後通過
*迪化污水處理廠附設休閒運動公園 (已歸檔)
第一次提交被拒絕的內容 : a capsule hanging on the tree, don't need to climb
reviewer回應 : 很長一串,但大意就是請說明怎麼放在樹上,且以不傷害樹木為原則
修正後通過 : the capsule is hang on the rope of support kits, not on the tree itself.
However, as a reminder, please keep your cache away from the school nearby.
However, since the image of the manhole has already provided in the cache description, it seems that geocachers could collect needed clues and calculate the final coordinates without visiting the posted coordinates, which makes this cache more likely to be a mystery cache. Please change your cache type from multi-cache to mystery cache.
型態問題,因為提供在寶頁上的內容可以直接知道答案,被建議設為 Multi,修改後通過。
Cache coordinates seems to be a bit off. Please re-check your coordinates.
reviewer覺得座標跑掉,這題我忘了我設定的差多遠了,總之用google map重新調整一下就OK
Please remove the website link as it considered to be commercial reference. I've been told recently that links of agencies cannot contain in the cache page either, even it's a government site.