Geocaching official blog 有專文介紹 https://www.geocaching.com/blog/2024/01 ... -chii-sun/,大家可以參考。
- 2021, 30 個寶主同一天發佈了 453 個寶
- 2022, 45 個寶主同一天發佈了 703 個寶
- 2023, 61 個寶主同一天發佈了 833 個寶
大家有沒有興趣在台灣玩玩看?如果有興趣試試,個人覺得 10/10 是理想的發佈日,因為這天國定假日,秋天氣候也適宜尋寶。
- 藏寶數量無最低要求,只藏一個,也非常歡迎
- 也許 10/10 同一天發佈
- 也許 9/15 是 submit 的 deadline
- 事先和 local reviewer 溝通這個計畫,統一發佈日,或許到時需要其他地區 reviewers 的協助
- 有個公開平台讓寶主們彼此知道打算藏的約略位置,避免藏點距離過近,導致有些寶無法被發佈
- Geocache Name 統一冠上 Tag,比方:[TW24],方便 reviewer 判別預計發佈日期
- 仿效日本作法,description 中放入統一 logo,剛隨手拉個草稿,比方這樣...
有興趣藏寶的寶主或任何建議(包含 logo),歡迎在本討論串回覆,或用官方 message center 留言給我,也沒問題!
透過 Geocaching.com 傳訊息給我:https://www.geocaching.com/account/mess ... 6a7e512ffc
透過 Geocaching.com 傳 email 給我: https://www.geocaching.com/email/?guid= ... 6a7e512ffc
Q & A
A1:最少一個,沒有上限,但一人藏一兩個比較沒負擔。我自己設想這個計畫的趣味,在於參與人數和區域平均,藏寶總數比較其次。比如說:25 個人發 50 個寶,比 5 個人發 50 個寶來得有趣。
Q2: 有沒有建議的藏寶區域和類型?
A2: 區域不限定,北中南東部、離島、山區、鄉間、都會都歡迎。類型不限定,傳統、多重、謎寶、地質、信箱... 隨寶主愛好。
Q3: 我沒藏過寶,也適合參加嗎?
A3: 非常歡迎。第一次申請,難免生疏,相信許多資深寶主樂於提供必要協助,讓發佈過程能更順利。
Q4: 如何避免藏點重複?
A4: 本次活動,不預先協調藏寶點,直接配合官方的發佈程序:藏好且通過 reviewer 審查的寶,若不撤回更動,在 10/10 可順利被發佈。若發佈前,有獵友 submit 在 161 公尺距離內的藏寶,後藏者會得到 reviewer 的明確通知,建議更換座標。(今年先這樣 run 看看,要是強蹦狀況太多,來年再看需不需要預先協調)另感謝站長 BuBu 設立共用表單及地圖,互通藏寶地點,大家可以選擇使用,請連結:viewtopic.php?p=1066#p1066 (建議座標可以稍稍模糊處理)
Q5: 我需要登入什麼社群或向誰登記意願嗎?
A5: 無需另外加入社群,也無須向任何人登記就能參與活動。最新進度或共識會公佈在本討論串。如您樂意,可在本討論串下留言 or message 我。
Q6: 什麼時候可以開始行動?
A6: 本計畫得到 local reviewer 的支持,即日啟動。若藏點確定及放置寶盒完畢,就可以投出申請了。請大家提前佈署,避免擠最後日送件,以免壅塞。
Q7: 請問有沒有範本可參考,會比較容易著手?
A7: 除下段所列共識外,listing 格式無特殊規範,請寶主們自由發揮。若覺得這些共識還是太抽象,不容易著手,這份未投出的範例,也許可供各位參考。
Submission 共識
- 發佈日期:2024-10-10
- Submission 期限:2024-9-10 (日期已調整,請留意)
- Cache name 請以 [TW24] 開頭
- 放置日期:實際放置的日期
- Logo: optional
- 藏寶守則: 同常規 guideline (參考 Geocache hiding guidelines, Help Center 和 Regional Policies of Taiwan)
- Reviewer's note 請加上 The listing is a part of "Taiwan Geocaching Party 2024" project. I would like it to be published on 2024-10-10.
--- English Version ---
The Story
We would like to invite fellow geocachers in Taiwan to participate in a community-initiated activity - Taiwan Geocaching Party 2024. In this activity, dozens (or maybe hundreds) of new caches from different owners will get published on a single day.
On that special day, we share the excitement and surprises together when new caches pop up on the map or notifications ring one after one. The idea is stolen from an annual Japanese campaign that was reported on Geocaching Official Blog earlier this year. You can read the full story here https://www.geocaching.com/blog/2024/01 ... -chii-sun/.
Many geocachers would love to see similar activity here, so here we are - Taiwan Geocaching Party 2024. The positive effects would be (1) boosting energy to local community (2) encouraging new hiders and (3) expanding geocacher numbers. An autumn holiday was randomly chosen and that happened to be 10/10. It’s very gratifying that this activity will get support from our local reviewer.
Q1: How many cache(s) should I place?
A1: At least one, there is no upper limit. We don't have a target of total hides. The number of participants and the cache distribution might be more meaningful than the total number, in my humble opinion.
Q2: Are there any recommended hiding regions or types?
A2: There are no limitations of regions, terrains or types. You can place caches everywhere you want, as long as they follow the official hiding guidelines and they are in Taiwan (including outlying islands).
Q3: I have never hidden caches, can I join the Party?
A3: Not a problem at all. The first step is always the hardest. Many experienced CO will be very happy to provide necessary assistance to make publication smoother.
Q4: Is there any monitoring mechanism that prevents 2 unpublished caches getting too close?
A4: Unfortunately, NO. The issue can happen in some cache-saturated regions. However, the official policy of hiding and publication seems to be an effective way to check location duplication. When a submitted listing get too close to an earlier submission that has passed review and been locked, the owner will get a clear notification of the proximity issue. That is to say, in this project, the earlier, the better. I would like to thank webmaster BuBu for creating a platform for owners to share VAGUE cache locations with each other. Link:viewtopic.php?p=1066#p1066 Owners are welcome to upload your cache locations if you like.
Q5: Do I need to sign up to any Line or Facebook group to join the Party?
A5: No, there is no need to sign up to any of them or register to participate in the activity. We love surprise! The latest information will be posted in this discussion thread. Please come back to check before you go. If you are willing, you can leave a message under this discussion thread or contact me via Geocaching Message Center.
Q6: When can we start taking action?
A6: You can start right away. Submission deadline of this activity is 2024-9-10. We recommend that you go as early as you can. Late submissions are prone to congestion and having longer review time.
Q7: Can you provide us with a template so that we can easily complete the submission?
A7: Except for our consensus, you are welcome to create cache pages as you like. My unsubmitted example might help a bit if you find it difficult to start.
Consensus on Submission
- Unified publication date: 2024-10-10
- Submission deadline: 2024-9-10
- Please start the cache name with [TW24]
- Cache placing date: The actual date of placement
- Use of logo: optional
- Hiding guidelines: same as usual submission (please refer to Geocache hiding guidelines, Help Center and Regional Policies of Taiwan)
- Please add the following texts to reviewer's note upon submission: "The listing is a part of Taiwan Geocaching Party 2024 project. I would like it to be published on 2024-10-10."
Don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions.
via Messenge Center:https://www.geocaching.com/account/mess ... 6a7e512ffc
via Email: https://www.geocaching.com/email/?guid= ... 6a7e512ffc
- 文章: 159
- 註冊時間: 2023-02-08, 09:02
最後由 risumfiriri 於 2024-08-17, 23:35 編輯,總共編輯了 10 次。
- 文章: 159
- 註冊時間: 2023-02-08, 09:02
Re: 同一天發布新寶的計畫
Hi, 來報告第一天進度。
這裡稍作報告,截至目前(8/5 22:00)為止,15 位獵友表達有興趣,看來頗有可行性。
三個 QA 移動至最上層
這裡稍作報告,截至目前(8/5 22:00)為止,15 位獵友表達有興趣,看來頗有可行性。
三個 QA 移動至最上層
最後由 risumfiriri 於 2024-08-06, 21:32 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
- 文章: 159
- 註冊時間: 2023-02-08, 09:02
Re: 同一天發布新寶的計畫(隨時更新)
8/6 22:00 進度報告
- 陸續發訊息給獵友們
- 有意共襄盛舉的獵友,目前累計約 25 位 (台北、新北、桃園、新竹、台中、彰化、台南、高雄皆有獵友回覆)
- 增加 QA 4 和 5
- 活動的英文說明撰寫中
- 計畫內容已送給 reviewer
- 陸續發訊息給獵友們
- 有意共襄盛舉的獵友,目前累計約 25 位 (台北、新北、桃園、新竹、台中、彰化、台南、高雄皆有獵友回覆)
- 增加 QA 4 和 5
- 活動的英文說明撰寫中
- 計畫內容已送給 reviewer