2023/10/1 (GCAE4DY) Let's meet in Taipeh Event Cache

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Ex: 2023/2/5 (GCA3A6M) Taiwan Geocaching Meet and Greet
文章: 118
註冊時間: 2023-01-16, 15:29

2023/10/1 (GCAE4DY) Let's meet in Taipeh Event Cache

文章 BuBuChen »

德國人在台灣辦的event,有空的人去做國民外交吧。 :lol: :lol: :lol:

In october we spend a few days of our holidays in Taiwan. Of course we want to do our hobby - geocaching - there, too.
So we decided to invite you to have a small event here in the capital of Taiwan in Taipeh.
Event date: 01.10.2023
Event time: from 07:30 to 08:00 pm
Event location: "The Howard Plaza Hotel Taipei"
We meet outside, in front of the entrance of that hotel.
We look forward to our meeting and good conversation.
The 2 Highmountains from Germany
