如何解謎寶 How to solve Mystery Caches

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如何解謎寶 How to solve Mystery Caches

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https://www.geocaching.com/blog/2018/03 ... le-caches/
How to solve Mystery Caches (also known as Puzzle Caches) – Official Blog (geocaching.com)

This article was written by Geocaching superstar and Geocaching HQ employee, Cathy (Prying Pandora).
本文由尋寶超級巨星和尋寶總部員工凱茜(https://www.geocaching.com/p/default.as ... e972067a3b撬潘朵拉)撰寫,在此另再翻譯加上中文。

Do you look at Mystery Caches, also known as Puzzle Caches, and have no idea where to start? You’re not the only one. Many geocachers feel overwhelmed by Mystery/Puzzle Caches, but they’re not as scary as they appear. You just need to begin collecting your own “puzzling bag of tricks” to help you solve them.
您是否看到了 Mystery Caches,也稱之為謎寶,但不知道要從哪裡開始? 這不只是您一個人這樣而已, 許多尋寶者對神秘/謎寶藏感到不知所措,但它們並不像看起來那麼可怕。 您只需要開始收集您自己的“解謎技巧包”來幫助解決它們。

What should you keep in your puzzling bag of tricks? Think of the “tricks” as what you learn from each puzzle you solve. Many puzzles use the same ideas, so if you solve one, you can often pull that same trick out again and solve another similar puzzle. The more tricks you put in your bag, the easier Mystery/Puzzle Caches will be to solve. You will never stop finding new tricks to put in your bag, no matter how long you’ve been solving puzzles.
您應該在解謎技巧包裡保存些什麼呢? 把“技巧”想像成您解決過的每個謎題中學到的東西。 許多謎寶都有些類似,所以如果您解決了一個,通常可以再以同樣的技巧解決另一個。 您存放在包裡的技巧越多,之後的謎寶就越容易解決。 無論您解決了多少個謎寶,您都可以繼續存放新的技巧到您的包裡。

Some helpful tips to get started:

Start with https://www.geocaching.com/play/results ... d=1-2&sd=0Mystery/Puzzle Caches with low difficulty ratings.

Solve puzzles based on something you’re familiar with. For example, if you know a lot about history, you might be able to solve a history puzzle more easily than a complicated math puzzle.
先解那些內容你較熟悉的謎題。 比如說,如果你對歷史瞭解很多,那麼你解那些有關歷史的謎寶會比複雜的數學謎寶容易多了。

Find a partner who is good at things you struggle with. Together, you can fill in each other’s gaps.

Analytical/methodical + creative/artistic = wide range of puzzle types.
分析/有條不紊 + 創意/藝術 = 廣泛的謎題類型
Each can see and work through things the other can’t.

Use a PC or laptop rather than your phone. There are some puzzles you cannot solve with a phone alone.
使用桌上或手提電腦比手機較好。 有些謎題單獨使用手機是解不出的。

Google and other search engines are your friend.

Attend geocaching events and ask more experienced geocachers for help. Geocachers enjoy helping other geocachers.
參加尋寶聚會(event), 找那些較有經驗的獵友們請求協助,獵友們都會很開心互相幫忙的。

Some basic tricks to start filling your bag:

Highlighted text. Some Mystery/Puzzle Caches use white font on the page that can only be seen when highlighted. Run your computer mouse along the entire cache page including text and images. If your cursor changes from an arrow to a pointed finger, you’ll know you passed over a hidden link.*
顯示隱藏文字: 有些謎寶在寶頁裡會使用看不到的白色字體,要使用滑鼠滑過整頁文字及圖像,如果游標從箭頭轉變為指尖,你就會發覺你找到了一個暗藏的連結。

Source code. Many times clues are hidden in the coding for a cache page.
Depending on your browser, view the source code for that cache page.
To find possible clues, choose a word/phrase from the description and use the Ctrl+F function. This will point you to the areas where a message may be hiding.
原始程式碼: 許多時候,線索藏在寶頁的編碼中。
要找出可能的線索,請從寶文中選擇一個單詞/短語,然後使用Ctrl + F功能,這

Other languages. Some Mystery/Puzzle caches want you to “decode” other languages. Pasting the text into an online translator and converting it to your language often does the trick.
其他語言。 一些謎寶要您解碼其他語言。 將該段文字複製到線上翻譯機去轉換成您的語言通常是行得通的。

Binary numbers and other bases. Use an online reference such as Purple Math that may help you with these types of mathematical stumpers.
二進位數和其他基數。 使用線上參考資料,例如Purple Math,它可以幫忙您解決這些類型的數學問題。

Local latitude and longitude. For example, Seattle, Washington, is at 47° North and 122° West. If you solve puzzles in Seattle and something you try makes a 47 or 122, keep going and it will likely give you the rest of the coordinates.
當地緯度和經度。 例如,華盛頓州西雅圖位於北緯47度和西經122度,如你解的謎寶是在西雅圖,你就有了47 及122這兩個數字,再繼續進行找出其餘的座標。

Here are some online resources which may give you more tricks to try:
https://www.geocachingtoolbox.com/index.php?lang=enGeocaching Toolbox
https://www.mygeocachingprofile.com/extras.aspxMy Geocaching Profile

There are many more! Do an online search for “geocaching puzzle solving tools”.
Now that you are armed with some basic tricks, go forth, and happy puzzling!
還有更多的! 在網上搜尋geocaching puzzle solving tools。