台灣地區政策Regional Policies Of Taiwan

文章: 161
註冊時間: 2023-02-05, 21:48
St Vincent & Grenadines

Re: 台灣地區政策Regional Policies Of Taiwan

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Restricted Areas
This listing is not all-inclusive as some land managers may have instituted policies we are not yet aware of or may have amended their posted policies. If you have additional information, please send an email with your contact information to
Military Areas
No geocaches allowed on or near all military areas.
Diplomatic Missions
No geocaches allowed on or near diplomatic mission property.
School Grounds and Proximity
Geocaches that are on or adjacent to school grounds or school property will not be permitted.
However, if you have a strong reason for placing a cache within the school grounds or on school property, you MUST express written permission on file from that school administrator. A statement of permission must be placed on the cache page, along with any restrictions for that location.
Playground Equipment
Playground equipment is off limits. DO NOT place your cache on the playground equipment. Geocaches should be placed a minimum of approximately 20 meters away (approximately) from any type of playground equipment.
It is suggested that a picture from different viewing angles be sent along with a Note to Reviewer when submitting a geocache where playground equipment exists. All pictures sent to a reviewer will auto-archive on publication and will not be available to other players.

藏寶誤藏到地理藏寶官方的禁忌地區在提交reviewer not時是一定會被阻止或要求更改地方。 這些禁忌區地牽涉到財產權,國家安全、國民安全,學生安全及幼童安全,藏到正確的地方能讓尋寶者能快快樂樂尋寶,同時可避免被舉報而被請到警察局去喝茶。

有些現仍在台灣存活藏在禁忌區的是在先前的規則及先前較鬆散的網管下產生的。 這些寶仍會繼續存活,不過現在藏寶還是得依照最新更新過的規則去藏,敬請不要跟過去的藏寶比較。 No Precedent (沒有先例)

文章: 161
註冊時間: 2023-02-05, 21:48
St Vincent & Grenadines

Re: 台灣地區政策Regional Policies Of Taiwan

文章 haima »